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How Much Do Wreckers Pay For Cars In Melbourne

Posted on May 28th, 2019

Car Wreckers (also known as Cash for Cars and Car Removals Companies) are a fast and easy way to Sell Your Unwanted Car. Their appeal comes from the fact that all good Wreckers buy cars in any condition (such as Atlas Car Removals in Melbourne does).

But with all the convenience of a hassle-free car sale aside, How Much Do Wreckers Actually Pay for Cars In Melbourne?

Let’s take a closer look.

What Is the Most I Can Expect Car Wreckers to Pay for My Car?

There are many factors that will affect how much a Car Wrecking business will pay for your vehicle. The highest you can expect in Australia is $10,000 (like Atlas Car Removals does) but the maximum price, as well as Cash for Cars Rates, will vary from business to business. The minimum rate starts from $50.

How Much Do Wreckers Pay

Things that will affect the price of your car include:

  • It’s Condition
  • It’s Make and Model
  • It’s Size
  • It’s Weight
  • It’s Weight
  • Its Odometer Reading (kilometers)


What Do Car Wreckers Value in a Car?

What sets Car Removal Companies apart from other types of Car Buyers is that they buy cars even when they are damaged, old or no longer road-worthy. Why? Because they deal in car parts. The most essential thing in your car that they look for is its metals but there may be a few other things that can affect their Cash for Cars offer for you including:

  • Your Car’s Metals
  • Your Car’s Tyres
  • Your Car’s Rims
  • Your Car’s Sound System
  • Your Car’s Motor
  • Your Car’s Engine Parts

How You Can Get the Best Price For Your Vehicle From Car Wreckers?

Although with Car Wreckers there is no point trying to make your Car more valuable through major repairs, there are some ways you can get the most bang for your buck.

  1. Shop around for quotes: prices will vary from different Car Wrecking businesses, some offering lower maximum prices.
  2. Choose a business with a good reputation: thanks to the internet you can easily find how will a Car Removal business rates and what customers are saying about them.
  3. Look for any valuables in your car: you never know what you will find. Anything left in your car you can consider destroyed after you leave your car with a Car Wrecker.
  4. Choose a Car Wrecker that offers free Car Removals: this way you don’t have to pay for towing or drive your Unwanted Car to the Car Wreckers.

If you want a fast cash sale for your car, contact Atlas Car Removals on 1800 074 676.