When your car is wrecked and it is determined that repairing it will not be financially viable, you have the option of letting your car gather dust and rust in your backyard or you could sell it for instant cash. Unknown to many people, there are a quite a number of places where you could sell your old or wrecked car and you don’t have to be restricted to your local scrap metal junkyard. If you had a wrecked car and wanted to get top dollars for it, here are a few of the other places you could potentially consider for a good deal-:
The first place to consider selling your wrecked car is to the tow companies in Melbourne. There are quite a number of tow companies in Melbourne willing to buy your car in any condition and irrespective of the extent of the wreckage, you can be guaranteed they will accept your car so long as you agree to their offer.
Full service salvage yards are also ideal when you Need to Sell Your Wrecked Car. They have the advantage of offering higher rates because there are no middlemen involved when dealing with them. They can be recyclers who will try to restore the car, or dismantle and sell it part by part to dealerships, body shops or garages. Just like with the tow companies in Sydney, full service salvage yards will also accept cars in any condition, but since they are involved in some kind of recycling, they tend to prefer wrecked cars that are relatively new since it will be easy for them to dismantle and sell the parts, because such vehicles are still in use.
Salvage vehicles auctions are buyers who play the role of intermediaries between insurance companies and end users. Though salvage vehicles auctions are not as common in Australia as they are in other places such as the United States, when you get a chance to attend one, you have higher chances of getting more from your wrecked car because there would be a myriad of buyers bidding for it, and the price wars can sometimes give you very nice deals. If you have a wrecked car and would like to sell it in Melbourne, contact Atlas Car Removals today at 1800 074 676. They accept cars in all conditions and can pay up to $9999 for unwanted trucks, cars or scrap vehicles.